That Beautiful Atlantic Waltz
Published by Canongate Books, alongside an album of the same name.
Available now.
Sixty Degrees North
The Un-Discovered
Islands (2016)
The Valley at the Centre of the World (2018)
Illuminated by Water
Essays | Articles | Stories
For a Song
Sixteen essays on what makes songs work
The Faraway Gaze
Resisting 'remoteness' in visual art
The Heart of Beyond
The rural as peripheral
in fiction
What We Talk About When We Talk About Solastalgia
Antlers of Water
The Invention of Abandonment
A short story for
BBC Radio 4
A Song of Home
A profile of artist Paul Bloomer
Caught by the River
The Burial: a story inspired by The Valley at the Centre of the World
Extra Teeth
Imagine . . . if rural communities were seen as central
Imagine a Country